Felicia Stephens, PT, DPT, is a practicing physical therapist who has helped others for many years on their path to acceptance into speech language, physical and occupational therapy programs. She has been through this stressful process herself and found few resources and tools catering to allied health graduate applicants.
Path to Acceptance was launched when Felicia found a passion in helping others achieve acceptance into programs that fit their needs. She built an easy to follow, complete model based on first hand experience.
Felicia’s mission is to guide passionate students down a path toward acceptance into an allied health care graduate program.
We know the schools. We know the process. We know how to help.
Our team has researched PT, OT and SLP programs across the country. Not only do we take into consideration geographic preferences, we also help develop realistic expectations as well as help determine what you should require from your schools of choice. We will help develop a target list of ideal characteristics of the school and then pinpoint those that meet your needs. We know you have no time to waste, and the sooner you can arrive at the end of your Path to Acceptance, the sooner you will begin planning your Career Path.